Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 33: East of Marathon, TX to Alpine, TX

Daily Miles: 44.4 Total Miles: 1810.3
Today's scenery... It's a little prettier in real life.
Today was another ROUGH one. It started out well enough… until I started riding. Mary and I both slept really well in our nice comfortable hotel. Then we had a lovely breakfast at a local soda fountain. As we were finishing up I could see the wind whipping up, and knew what was in store for me. We drove back to where I had stopped yesterday and immediately I was blasted with an incredibly strong wind. I also had a few very strange encounters with motorists today, which only made things worse. Early on I was riding along and saw a car pass me and then pull over. The driver got out, walked across the highway, stood there with his camera and just took pictures of me as I rode up and passed him. He didn’t say a word.
Very cool yucca plants
So strange. Then, within 30 minutes, a man in an 18-wheeler cab (without the trailer attached), slowed down halfway in the shoulder in front of me and as I rode up he kept trying to talk to me. I was scared and didn’t want to pull up to his window. Finally, I heard what he was saying, “Does this road go to I-10?” Sweet. Lord. In what world did I look like I was going to go get on the Interstate? I just screamed yes and motioned for him to drive on. Between the wind and the weirdoes, I was in a rough place mentally, but managed to make it back the 15 miles to Marathon without losing it. I was hoping to make it at least 10 or 15 miles beyond Alpine today, but once I headed out again, I knew it wasn’t going to happen. The wind was blowing due west, which was just 100% in my face. At one point I was riding downhill, pedaling at my normal rate, and going 6.5 MPH. DOWNHILL. It was soul-crushing. At the 26 mile mark, I met up with Mary and was near my breaking point.
Me with Erik and Sofia, the Swedes
Back in Sanderson, we met a really nice Swedish couple at the gas station where we bought dinner. We chatted a bit then and told them we would probably see them on down the road. Well, today, while Mary was waiting for me they were riding by and stopped again to chat. Mary said they too looked like death warmed over, so at least I was in good company today. I rested nearly an hour, ate a few snacks, and then set out once again to ride the last 19 miles to Alpine. As I rode the first 12 miles the road shifted to northwest instead of due west, and the effect of the wind wasn’t quite so brutal. I even averaged 11 MPH for a few of those miles!
Road warrior
I met up with Mary one last time, ate some more, and then told her I would meet her at the hotel. The road headed westward again and my pace slowed, but as I neared Alpine the road conditions improved and I was able to ride more or less comfortably to the hotel finishing up around 5:30pm. I showered quickly and then Mary and I headed out for dinner at a great Italian place. When we arrived who else did we find there but our favorite Swedes! They had rested some and had some wine and were already feeling much better. We shared horror stories from our rides over the last few days before they headed out and we finished our dinner. Now we are resting comfortably in our excellent hotel, the Maverick Hotel, where we will be staying for two nights. Tomorrow is a well needed rest day, and Mary and I may be heading down to Big Bend National Park, or just spending the day relaxing in the cute town of Alpine. 

1 comment:

  1. Guess I've been watching too many episodes of Criminal Minds. Be careful. But you did good. Still, I couldn't help but laugh the way you told the story about the truck driver. Great vivid postings today.

    You and Mary Kathryn are moving right along. Texas seems to be an endless road. But, when looking at the map, it's a lot of country.

    Take care.

