Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 50: Blythe, CA to Winterhaven, CA

Daily Miles: 29.5 Total Miles: 2703.7
This pretty much sums up our day
Thank goodness we had planned on a low mileage day, because today was unbelievably HOT. We slept in a little, took our time getting ready and then I headed out for a ~ 2.5 hour ride around 10am. The route was really flat this morning as I rode through mile after mile of farmland. The road was in really good shape and I was rolling along at a great pace. After ~20 miles I was in Palo Verde, met up with Mary for some more water, and then we decided that I would ride on 10 more miles before calling it a day. I set out again, and was riding into a slight headwind and starting to climb. The heat was so intense that I didn't think I was going to make it.
Irrigated farm land in Blythe
Finally, I met up with Mary again and was more than happy to call it a day at 29.5 miles. We rode back to Blythe, where we saw that the local clock/thermometer was registering a temperature of 110°F. ONE HUNDRED AND TEN DEGREES! Ugggg! The heat was really just overwhelming, even off the bike. We ate lunch at a local diner, ran a few errands, and then sought refuge in our air conditioned hotel room to catch up on e-mails. We're feeling a little more rested now and are about to head out to dinner. Tomorrow promises to be another hot one, but hopefully it won't break into triple digits again.

1 comment:

  1. 110 degrees! Yikes! I'm glad you had a short ride. I'm surprised you didn't melt. We have snow here at home. And cold. It's 35 degrees now. Just right......

    I hope the temps for today's ride is more comfortable. Don't overdo. Think of us here at home with a blankie over our laps shivering.

    Anyway, you're just about at your goal. Stay safe and think cool thoughts. At those temps, think icebergs.

    You guys have been in my prayers throughout this good spirited achievement. And, I'm so happy you are just about at the end of the ride and reaching your goal.

