Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 34: Alpine, TX (Rest Day)

Driving through the Chihuahuan Desert

Today was a nice, relaxing day of rest and a very little bit of sight-seeing. We slept in a little, had breakfast at the hotel, lounged around a bit, and then went back to the Italian place from dinner for delicious espressos. We decided to forgo the trip to Big Bend since it would involve 4+ hours of driving just to reach the entrance of the Park. Instead we drove the ~25 miles through the Chihuahuan Desert to Fort Davis for lunch. 
Part of the McDonald Observatory
The town was very small and less impressive than Alpine, but we were able to grab some so-so Mexican food before driving on a little further to the McDonald Observatory, the third largest in the world. The drive was really pretty, along steep, curvy roads through the Davis Mountains. This is the official ACA route, but I will be taking an alternate path, continuing on US-90 through Marfa and rejoining the route in Van Horn. After making this drive today, I can say with 100% certainty that I am very glad I am taking an alternate route. 
View of the Davis Mountains
The observatory was actually really cool, and we were able to enjoy awesome views and take an up-close look at the 5th largest telescope in the world. Pretty neat. We headed back to the hotel, and I lounged about, while Mary used the Internet in the lobby (unfortunately the only place it worked). We had dinner at Reata, home to famous “cowboy cuisine” and it was pretty decent. 
The inner-workings of the big telescope

Now we’re back in the hotel, getting ready for bed, and ready to face the wind again tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Your day of rest sounded nice. Again, the pictures are wonderful. Scenery looked especially pretty.

    Have a great ride today.

